Welcome to the Educated Sports Parent! Here you will find information on a wide range of issues having to do with youth sports, including Readiness for Participation, Benefits of Participation, Developmentally Appropriate Program Modifications, Overuse Injuries, Supplements, and much more. This site is for parents, coaches, league administrators, or anyone who is interested in helping children to have the best youth sports experience possible.
You do not have to look far to find examples of what is wrong with youth sports. In fact, the Citizenship Through Sports Alliance gives youth sports a less than acceptable grade in its most recent report card. The Educated Sports Parent is aimed at giving those involved with youth sports the knowledge and tools to make the youth sports experience an enjoyable one for all involved.
The most important goal of any youth sports organization should be that every single participant has a fun and enjoyable time. Making youth sports fun for kids helps turn them on to a lifetime of physical activity. The current obesity epidemic among both children and adults underscores the need for keeping kids turned on to physical activity. We cannot afford to allow youth sports to be a negative experience that leaves children with little desire to continue being active as adults. Unfortunately, for many children it is.
I challenge you to browse through this site with an open mind. Many of the concepts and ideas may be new to you. They may be the opposite of everything society seems to tell us is important about sports. It is essential that we do everything in our power to ensure that youth sports leagues are meeting the needs of our children. I challenge you to hold them accountable.
The Educated Sports Parent
Parents: How is your Behavior?
Sean Cumming and Martha Ewing of the Institute for the Study of Youth Sports warned against parents becoming over-involved emotionally. This could mean being “excitable” or “fanatical.” They even go as far as to say that the fanatical parent can pose a serious risk to the development of the child (1). Take a moment to reflect on your own behavior during your child’s sporting events. How do you compare?
The Role of the Sport Parent
As parents, your job is to love your kids and try to provide the best for them. When
it comes to youth sports, however, too many parents seem to lose all notion of what
is best for their kids. It is a telling sign that virtually every youth sports league in the
country has enacted some measure to curb violence and negative behavior by
parents. Some leagues have even gone so far as to not let parents utter a single
word during the game, calling it Silent Saturdays.
The Competitive Edge by Dr. Jeffrey Brown Harvard clinical and sport psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Brown understands the obsession to beat the competition. Learning firsthand in his private practice from patients struggling with power and position in the workplace to...
Youth Sports Links for Parents and Coaches Youth Sports Organizations Citizenship Through Sports Alliance (CTSA) – This site is a must visit for all parents, coaches and league administrators. Check out their report card on youth sports. You might be shocked...
Articles For Parents
Check out These Articles from The Educated Sports Parent for Parents The Role of the Sport Parent Parents: How’s Your Behavior? The Importance of Parental Involvement in Youth Sports When Dad or Mom is the Coach Further Information on Other Sites Questions...
Creating a Mastery-Oriented Environment
How to Create a Mastery-Oriented Environment Sport psychology research has shown that the motivational climate/environment created by the coach has a direct effect on the players’ experience. As a coach, you set the tone of the youth sports experience for your team...